Where Can I Find The Cheapest Internet In The World?

Internet access has quickly become a human right, according to many organizations across the world. It has perhaps been the most significant technological change, practically no matter where you live and the advent of improved communications technologies and the ability to access more information than has ever been available across the course of human history.

Yet whatever your opinion and hopes are regarding this trend, the reality is that most people around the world still must pay for internet access, whether through government-run providers, private ISPs, or something else entirely. Yet how expensive is internet across the world when comparing countries? Would it make a difference if you were to move or take an extended stay in another place?

We are here to look at the data and provide you with the answers and trends that you are looking for, so keep on reading.

The 10 Cheapest and Most Expensive Countries for Internet

Before anything else, let us get into the top tens, both to get an idea of where internet is cheapest and most expensive:

How We Measure It

"Cheapest" can be a subjective term, mostly based around which metric you are looking at. Is an internet package the cheapest by the amount of money you pay each month, no matter the download and upload speeds you have? Or is it based on the value of goods you are getting (paying $2 for a single apple often is not as good as paying $10 for ten apples)?

For this reason, we will be looking at the issue by two methods: by the average cost per internet package in the country (which is a good indicator of total cost) and the average cost per Mbps in the country (which is a good indicator of cost while heavily taking into account the value of the services provided).

Cheapest by Average Cost Per Package

You can use this to determine which countries have the lowest monthly internet bills on average, barring all other factors. It is adjusted to United States dollars, so exchange rates and other economic factors such as inflation might be taken into account. Still, overall, the determination was made as fairly as possible.

Cheapest by Average Price per Mbps

The price tag isn't everything, especially if all products and service packages are the same. If you were shopping for a car, would you rather have a used Toyota for $1399 or a new Ferrari for $1400? Both are cars, but there can clearly be a better value. And while the example above might be somewhat exaggerated compared to the real internet market around the world, the truth is that infrastructure and value matter and fast networks can change communities.

Therefore, take a look at the following list to see which countries provide, on average, the cheapest connections by average price per Mbps.

Interesting Trends and Facts

Now that we have all the data listed, it is time to look at some of the main takeaways:

  • More Isolated Countries Have More Expensive Internet: You might notice that most island countries or places relatively remote have a harder time getting cheap internet, whether due to needing to utilize satellite internet to get a good connection, a greater requirement of infrastructure, or another reason. For the perfect example, despite its generally strong economy and level of technological advancement, Australia is known for having slow internet for the price.
  • The Leaders Are Not the Countries You Might Expect: By the metrics we take and how many countries operate, it is not just "first world countries" dominating the list as some may expect. Instead, it is in those countries where it is often most expensive. This is due to currency differences, the importance placed on making access cheap, or that ISPs know they can charge more in wealthier countries.
  • Eastern European Countries and the Former Soviet Union States Have Cheaper Internet: Ukraine has extremely cheap internet (the second cheapest by our measures). Every country in the region is among the cheapest places in the world to get internet.
  • Despite Differences Between Countries, Internet Overall Is Getting Cheaper Over Time: There will be spikes across the world due to economic events and changes in technology. Yet it is easy to forget that, on average, internet access is getting cheaper over time, at least in terms of value provided. 
  • While numerous examples could be used, note that you can likely get a better and faster connection on your phone now than most people could get ten years ago paying the same price you're paying for internet now.

Factors that Determine How Cheap Internet Will Be

Knowing what cheap internet looks like is one thing. Knowing why internet is cheap in one area and expensive in another is something else entirely. While this list is not exhaustive and other factors may pop up in the future, here are some of the key factors:

  • Competition: In most cases, areas with more competitors in terms of ISPs will lead to lower internet plan prices and better speeds. Places with de-facto monopolies or only a few choices will not be so fortunate. However, it is important to note that this is more applicable on a local level than on a nationwide scale, where there will likely be more than one major ISP in operation.
  • The Economy: While it is nearly essential, supply and demand rules still partially apply to internet access. People won't pay for internet before food and shelter, and ISPs won't charge rates that are so high no one will pay them.
  • Infrastructure: If the cable or fiber lines are there and are supported by previous improvements, ISPs can charge lower rates (whether they do so or not depends on other factors).
  • Regulations or Government Control: In some cases, the government (local or national) takes a more vested interest in internet prices, and either sets limits on them or acts as an ISP in their own right. This can severely impact the cost of internet service and override any other factors.

Additional Factors and Reminders

Some countries may have cheap internet, but also the internet is only cheap in some areas, or where there is internet at all. Not having available internet in some regions does not negatively affect the statistics shown in any way.

  • Keep in mind that the reliability and regulations regarding internet service are not considered here. It is worth paying a little more and knowing that you will not lose service or experience massive slowdowns at random times during the day.
  • Other factors might artificially influence costs. For example, a country with a ruined economy and an inflated currency might have cheap internet, but compared to the incomes of the people living there, it could be much more expensive.
  • We would genuinely like to stress again that just because, on average, a country's packages are cheaper does not mean that those packages are worth too much. The United States would be one of the cheapest places to get internet in the world if everyone got a dial-up connection, but it would not be helpful to anyone if that were the case.
  • The world is constantly changing, and the internet price in one country may skyrocket or plummet due to dramatic world events, which cannot be predicted.

The Global Outlook

While some countries might experience times where internet access becomes more expensive by one metric or another, in total, the cost is getting cheaper. It is also getting easier for the average person worldwide to have a stable connection, even if it is from a wireless service.

We have every reason to be optimistic about the future of the internet and the future of internet costs as time goes on. It will get cheaper as time goes on, there will be more uses for it, and there will be increased demand. Additionally, with mobile internet and satellite internet becoming more common and feasible possibilities for billions around the globe, the demand for even faster and cheaper internet will skyrocket. It is quite reasonable to speculate that internet costs will balance out, and then we will look towards a brighter future of information technology.


Internet access is necessary for anyone in the modern world and is quickly growing even more important as additional vital functions are done online. This makes it important to know what costs are around the world, whether you are merely curious, thinking about moving or hoping to make significant changes in your area. Whatever your reason, we hope that this information has proved helpful and will aid you in your future decision-making.

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